Equine Experiential Learning

Equine Experiential Learning

from CA$275.00

Equine Facilitated Human Development Programs

Participants engage in hands-on learning that utilizes the horse as a partner in exploring positive development of communication, self -respect, confidence, trust, accountability and conflict resolution.

Individual Private Sessions

Individual Private Sessions involve one-on-one introduction to the program followed by activities with the horse. Activities take place in the arena. The sessions progress at the comfort level and experience / readiness level of the participant. All activities are conducted in a safe manner and are on the ground, no riding. No horse experience necessary..

Sessions are 1 to 1-1/2 hours in duration and led by an Equine Experiential Learning Specialist.


Want to experience a session(s) with a friend or spouse, we also offer semi-private sessions. These sessions are 2 to 2 ½ hours in duration.

Please contact us to book dates and times. or call 519 203 0530

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Equine Experiential Learning at Belvoir Estate Farm - Angela’s Testimonial

Signing up for Equine Experiential Learning at Belvoir Estate Farm and working with the horses was the greatest gift I ever gave to myself. For the past five years, the main feelings I experienced in my body were fear, anxiety, anger, aggression, defensiveness and depression. It did not feel good to be me. On the outside I appeared to have my life put together. But at the end of the day, and after trying every other therapy I could think of, the only thing that brought me a sense of peace was a bottle of wine.

In just five sessions with the horses I experienced a powerful shift. I began to feel myself again but this time I loved how I felt. I experienced deep genuine gratitude, trust, joy, happiness, playfulness, decisiveness, awe, and even power. 

It has been two months since my last session and I am still learning how to adjust to this new me. The horses taught me that I am worthy of connection. Not only connection though. The horses also taught me that I am worthy of setting and holding boundaries for myself and I am worthy of creating a life that I love

I am learning to trust all of these new feelings. Every day I let go and trust a little bit more. I am connecting beautifully with my two young children and husband, and also with friends and family members. But best of all I am connecting with me.

I am forever grateful to Liz & Ute and the horses. You have each uniquely altered the direction of my life. I know how cliche this sounds, but I am 100% sincere when I say this. From the bottom of my heart thank you, thank you, thank you. Angela